It Stops With Me
IT STOPS WITH ME is a 4-session human trafficking prevention curriculum for young people (we recommend ages 13+) and can be used in schools, churches, home school co-ops, workplaces, shelters and home viewing. However, the engaging and informative videos are highly beneficial for people of all ages, professions and backgrounds, and have been used in multiple settings for workplace training and adult education as well.
Because IT STOPS WITH ME was developed from boots-on-the-ground work in multiple sectors of the fight against human trafficking in America, its videos depict the issue from a well-rounded and shockingly realistic perspective. In fact, the video stories in this curriculum have been used by professionals at a national law enforcement level because of their well-portrayed accuracy.
Trauma Informed & Values Based
The IT STOPS WITH ME curriculum includes:
Facilitator's Guide
Student Worksheets
4 Video Sessions
The underlying thread throughout the entire series is three main truths:
Every person's life has incredible value
Every person's life has influence
Every persons's impact can start with them
Outcomes Achieved
After watching IT STOPS WITH ME student evaluations show:
98% understand the warning signs of a trafficked victim
97% understand how to report a victim
92% are more careful online and on social media
89% feel more negatively about pornography
Additionally, students indicate these desires to change their behaviors:
Desire to educate themselves and others more
Desire to protect themselves more
Desire to protect others
Ability to respond to danger
Desire to take action
THE FACTS: What Is Human Trafficking Anyway?
Session Objective: Students should have a basic understanding of the concept of human trafficking in America and why it is referred to as “modern-day slavery.” They will begin to learn what trafficking looks like here, where it happens, who is involved, and why they need to know.
The Facts - Trigger Warning
The Facts - Part 1
The Facts - Part 2
THE FUEL: What is Fueling Sex Trafficking in America Today?
Session Objective: Students should be able to define what issues are fueling sex trafficking in America and expound upon the reasons why.
The Fuel - Trigger Warning
The Fuel - Part 1
The Fuel - Part 2
THE FORMULA: How Do Traffickers Get Their Victims?
Session Objective: Students should be able to explain the process by which a victim is coerced, forced, or tricked into exploitation. They should now have a full understanding of the way vulnerability, combined with manipulation, can end up in a trafficking situation.
The Formula - Trigger Warning
The Formula - Part 1
The Formula - Part 2
THE FIGHT: What Can I Do to Make a Difference?
Session Objective: Students should know where and how to report human trafficking and suspicious internet activity. They should feel empowered and inspired that they can stand up, speak out, and make a difference right where they’re at.
The Fight - Trigger Warning
The Fight - Part 1
The Fight - Part 2
Large Group Viewing & Educators
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